What you need to know about PEX Bend Supports

Whether you are installing your own PEX plumbing system or are just a regular DIYer who wants to learn about PEX bend supports, there are a few things you need to know. These include what to look for in bend support, how to avoid problems with bend supports, and tips on how to make a 90-degree turn.

Making a 90-degree turn

Getting a smooth 90-degree bend with PEX tubing is a relatively easy feat. PEX tubing bends easily and can accommodate curves without fittings. However, it does tend to kink in tight turns. The best way to avoid this snag is to install bend supports. These devices are designed to prevent kinking and leaks. They can be used on both exposed and hidden piping.

Bend supports are metal or plastic devices designed to lock in the PEX tubing to make a smooth 90-degree bend. They are also helpful in making a mid-run turn in joist cavities. You can use them to reduce the number of fittings you need to install on your wall.

In addition to bend supports, you should consider installing elbows to reduce the risk of kinking your PEX tubing. PEX elbows are available in both push-fit and crimp-style versions. They attach to the pipe using the same connection method as fixtures.

Using bend supports is the best way to turn a 90-degree bend with PEX tubing. These devices are designed to provide a smooth and tight turn without crimping. If you do decide to go this route, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. You should also use PEX tubing with square ends and free of plastic burrs.

The PEX GUY heavy duty 1 inch steel bend support elbows are designed to help you make a smooth 90-degree bend in your PEX tubing. They are made from high-quality steel and are available in a pack of ten.

Common problems with PEX and brass fitting installation

Using PEX and brass fittings may have several common problems. Some of them are due to improper installation. Other issues can be related to a variety of water chemistry.

The high zinc content in brass fittings can cause a reduction in water flow. It can also cause a powdery buildup of copper. This type of buildup can block the copper, causing a leak. This type of buildup can be prevented by using low-zinc brass fittings.

There are several manufacturers of brass fittings that are susceptible to dezincification. They may contain as much as 40% zinc. Zinc is added to brass alloys to increase their strength. However, when exposed to water, the zinc in brass begins to leach from the brass. It can lead to a weak connection between the tube and the brass fitting.

If you notice a white powdery substance on the valve’s exterior or the brass fitting, this signifies dezincification. It could be due to a leak, but you should call a plumber or heating contractor to check the fitting. Click here to learn more about PEX Bend Supports. 

If you suspect the connection between the brass fitting and the PEX pipe is defective, you should replace it. If you cannot replace the fitting, you may need to replace the PEX pipe. It can be done faster with a PEX gun. It uses a thermostat-controlled hot air gun to heat the PEX pipe above its melting point. The pipe will expand approximately 1-2.5″ per 100 feet of length with a 10 degF increase in water temperature.

PEX connectors can also leak. Even if the connector is installed tightly, it may still leak. This leak may be caused by dezincification or a pinhole leak in the brass fitting.

If you suspect a leak or dezincification, you may need to replace the fittings in your plumbing system. It may be cheaper to replace the fittings than to continue to repair leaks. If you are installing PEX in a building, your local building code may have specific requirements.

In 2005, IPEX recalled the Kitec brand brass plumbing fittings. Some brass fitting manufacturers are involved in class-action lawsuits. It would help if you did your research on brass fitting manufacturers. Choose a company that is not involved in any class-action cases.